[Sussex] This Month's moot

Jon Fautley jon at 3ait.co.uk
Thu Mar 25 09:06:03 UTC 2004


Today's the day for the LUGMoot for March. I've got the following names 
on my list:

David Chapman
Steve Williams
Mark Harrison
Mary Harrison
Phillipa Harrison
Nik Butler
Jon Fautley
Tony Austin
Stuart Nixon
Peter Tyrrell

I WILL need a list of names for everyone that wants to attent tonight. 
"If your name's not down, you're not coming in"

I will however make sure that there are some 'fake' names on the list 
for anyone that calls me at the last minute.

My cellphone number is 07782 346993

Also - does anyone have a projector they can bring along tonight? :|


Jon Fautley
3a IT Limited - Open Source Answers
t: 0870 881 5097
f: 01403 219079
e: jon at 3ait.co.uk
w: www.3ait.co.uk

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