[Sussex] Bush vs. Kerry

Geoffrey John Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Wed Nov 3 19:24:20 UTC 2004

Well... as those who know me will be aware, when I can't think  of
anything pithy to say myself I resort to other peoples words.  Tonight
the ones that spring to mind are:

"We're rednecks, we're rednecks,
we don't know our ass from a hole in the ground"
  - Randy Newman "Rednecks"

... still, at least the USA has a democratically elected president this
time around.  On the upside this probably does signal a long anticpiated
revival of the protest song as the predominent form of American music,
and a possible return for that most honourable of US traditions, draft

I'm sure a large proportion of America was voting under the pretext:

"He may be a fool but he's our fool"
   - Randy Newman "Rednecks"

Geoffrey John Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation

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