[Sussex] Re: Magazines and developer questions etc.

Mike Diack mike_diack at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 4 12:03:15 UTC 2004

Hi Geoff and everyone
I'd concur to a large extent about the magazines being out of date etc. 
Geoff, but I do like Format's style.
But I agree, as a developer, Dr Dobbs & C/C++ Journal are absolutely 
excellent. (By the way, if you've not
used it, can I commend to you Gimpel Software's PCLint/Flexelint - 
absolutely brilliant software and worth every penny).
Splint is also very good but won't handle C++ :( (but is at least free in 
all senses being GPL'ed).

My background as a developer in case you are interested:
I don't currently develop much for Linux (but am looking to - see my 
question). I've been developing for DOS and OS/2 for 8 years (stopped that 
in 1999), and Win32 from 99 to present.
I use VC6 day to day (am thoroughly unimpressed with VS .Net 2003, I 
actually think that although it's more standards compliant for unmanaged 
code, it's actually a serious
PIA and offers crappy back compatibility for legacy code). I've been using C 
since 1987 and C++ since 1998. Under Win32 I've had the joy of MFC (not half 
as bad as everyone makes out), ATL/COM (a god awful mess!) and WTL (See the 
Sourceforge page, which I actually think is a surprisingly good effort to 
build on ATL).

Now my question:
I've done a bit of work under Linux with gcc, make and gdb, but can you 
offer advice about a good IDE (preferably not emacs) etc to bring it
all together and give me some of the niceness that I enjoy with the IDE of 
I tried KDevelop 3 a while back and was quite impressed - any other 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geoff Teale" <gteale at cmedltd.com>
To: "LUG email list for the Sussex Counties" <sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: Magazines {WAS}: Re: [Sussex] SUSE Crash

> On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 10:53 +0000, Mike Diack wrote:
>> By the way - question to the group in general:
>> What do you make of the Linux mags in general?
>> I can think of:
>> Linux User/Developer (used to get this as a freebie!)
>> Linux Format
>> Linux Magazine
>> Linux Journal
> There are four of five other ones available stateside...the only one I
> remember that isn't listed is LinuxWorld Magazine.  It's not available
> over here though, and isn't really very good.
>> Are there others? I personally found Journal and Magazine a bit dry....
> As a full time Linux developer I find Linux Journal to be a factor of
> several million times more useful and informative than any other magzine
> in the market.  The only thing that even begins to think about coming
> close is Linux User/Developer.
> I admit that "Linux Journal" may be a little dry (it's not aimed at
> casual users), but you should bear in mind it is a sister publication to
> "Dr Dobbs Journal" and the "C/C++ Users Journal" and as such isn't
> really looking to sell in the high street computer magazine market.
> All the other magazines listed tend to contain the following:
> - News that is several weeks out of date (compared to slashdot,
> osnews.org, etc..).
> - Trivial reviews of applications.
> - Shallow explanations of common technology
> - Beginers guides.
> ... now obviously some of this is very useful to the new or casual linux
> user, but it simply doesn't address what I need.  Your mileage may vary.
> -- 
> Geoff Teale <gteale at cmedltd.com>
> Cmed Technology
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