[Sussex] Cant post tonight

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Wed Nov 10 20:55:40 UTC 2004

On 10 Nov 2004, at 20:47, nik wrote:

> ahhh see I can leave it only to you to spot the riddle of that one ...
> Have you seen the postings about how Halo2 is banning modded xboxen 
> based on Halo2 checking the Xbox system info. Ive read the posts but 
> not seen the result...

Not heard that, no. Probably just people spreading FUD - I find it 
highly unlikely though, all MS have really done is stop people using 
ripped off games on live, they're not actually making an effort to 
stamp out all modding of Xboxes - there's so many things they could 
check (really, really simple things) to work out if a machine is 
modded, but they don't.

While MS have some very, very stupid ideas at times, they're not likely 
to remove a large %age of live players just because they have a modded 
xbox, but aren't using it at the time.

Did that make sense?


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