[Sussex] X automatic Login

Karl E. Jorgensen karl at jorgensen.com
Thu Nov 11 20:37:33 UTC 2004

On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 03:43:44PM +0000, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> hands up all those who automatically recoiled at the subject line? :oP

[shows both hands]

> I've got a laptop that I'm turning into a GPS system.  The only thing
> that is running on it is xorg-X11, gpsd and gpsdrive.
> I would like to power it up, have it login automatically, start X and
> load gpsdrive onto my display.
> Any ideas?

I had a similar requirement for my mythtv-box: start X and fire up the
mythtv application.

My solution was not to use a display manager at all. 

Instead I used runlevel 3 (in Debian the default is 2 and other run
levels are identical, save for 0, 1 and "S").

So I made runlevel 3 the default and added a line to /etc/inittab:

    # The default runlevel.
    TV:3:respawn:/bin/su - mythtv -c startx

Thanks to "respawn", things will automagically be restarted if they

Next step was to set up an ~/.xsession for the user (mythtv in my case):
    exec mythfrontend

Perhaps something similar will do the trick for you?

Hope this helps

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http://www.karl.jorgensen.com       `-'
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