[Sussex] Domain registrar recomendations

Diego Moore diego.moore at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 17:01:31 UTC 2004

I'm thinking of grouping the many domains (20+) into one regsitrar,
most of which are with easily.co.uk

I've used joker.com before and I really like their features, but they
dont do co.uk domains which is a big nono...

I'm a bit of a power freak and would like advanced control over the
domains. I like the advanced options in the contol panel of joker.com
(anyone else used them?).

Has anyone got any recomendations? I'm just tired of sending faxes,
paying £10 for minor modifications and easily just does not cut it
anymore. But I'm also not inrerested in building and mantining my own
DNS server!


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