[Sussex] Black Cat Networks

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Mon Nov 22 21:47:48 UTC 2004

Hello, fellow Blackcattians :)

I've just had an email from one of the staff at Black Cat regarding my 
recent postings. I'd like to apologise formally to Black Cat for 
'putting them in a bad light' - which wasn't my intention. I was 
attempting to provide a balanced argument for and against different 
providers of domain registration, colocation and hosting providers. 
Some of the information I posted to the list was from almost a year ago 
now, and certainly isn't relevant at this time. Of course, I'd much 
prefer it if 3a got the business, but that's because I'd like to help 
in 3a getting more money, because that means I get a pay-rise :)

To reiterate, yes, there have been a couple of technical issues with 
Black Cat Networks, but nothing that their staff haven't sorted out in 
the quickest time possible. A couple of the postings were written when 
I was rather stressed with stuff not working quite as it should (my 
fault, no-one else's) and my machine falling offline at that point 
really didn't help. Everything was back up and online, functioning 
normally within 30 minutes.

Many Thanks for listening :)


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