[Sussex] A letter to our MEPs and MPs

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Oct 10 16:53:06 UTC 2004


On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 05:31:04PM +0000, Stephen Williams wrote:
> The best way of influencing your M.P. is to find someone who knows him
> or her personally, and get them to raise the topic. I know my M.P.
> Howard Flight and will bring up the subject of software patents next
> time up in his office. He is shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury and
> will be a useful contact when the Conservatives form the next
> government, as they inevitably will. ;-D

Thanks.  What really needs to happen is to get the issue talked about,
then more and more politicians will see a stance against s/w patents as
a vote winner.  I'm assuming there will be more people against than for.

> Otherwise, if you are of a political persuasion, you could offer to do
> your M.P.'s web site free of charge as a way of getting to know, and
> ultimately influence, your M.P.

That's going a bit far - unless they wanted to change over to FLOSS!

Anyway, Stephen, do you want your name added to the letter?

Steve D

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