[Sussex] New list user

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Mon Oct 18 08:49:56 UTC 2004

Welcome to the list Antoine,

Antoine JOSSERAND wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Antoine, I am French.
> I am 24 years old and I live in East Grinstead (and in the UK too...) 
> since 3 weeks. I am an engineer in computer science and robotics.  I am 
> in the UK because I followed my girlfriend who is a french language 
> assistant in a college of Crawley. So I am looking for a job  in this area.

OK.  I live in East Grinstead as well, it's a cross some of us have to 
bear ;-)   If you're interested in coming out and meeting some of the 
locals give me a shout.

What sort of work are you looking for?

> I suscribed to this list because I am a great Linux fan and I am curious 
> to know how Linux is considered in the UK. My PC works under Knoppix HD 
> installed (the power of a Debian Distro with a wonderful hardware 
> detection system :o) but I keep a win2k on my HD because of a few 
> programs I can't use with Linux.

Linux is an increasingly important force in IT in the UK, though I fear 
we're somewhat behind some other European countries in this respect.

I work for a company that produces systems for clinical data management 
and electronic data capture.  Our products (which are stand alone 
"appliances") are Linux based, our technical staff workstations and out 
servers are all Linux or openBSD and we're in the (slow) process of 
migrating all our desktop users to Linux desktops.

We also develop and maintain a number of open source projects.

Geoff Teale
Sofware Engineer
Cmed Technology :: gteale at cmedltd.com
Free Software Foundation :: tealeg at member.fsf.org

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