[Sussex] Signing up to the Moot next week.

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Oct 22 22:42:00 UTC 2004


It appears that some one signed up everyone on the list.  I don't know
why, maybe they were just being "helpful" so that everyone who be on
the list.

Luckly the database table holds more information than just the 
names of people attending and I can tell (and so can you if
you look below) that the names were signed up within a few seconds
of each other.  I know that it wasn't a new atendee that did this
is the only new name on the list is Antoine's, and he signed up
well before 22:00hrs.

I have reset the database so that anyone signed up after 22:00 hrs
is now removed (except John Davis as he has signed on again just
after I updated the database.) 

If the "prankster" persisses then I will modify the code so that it
is not possible for him to do this.  The new procedure will require
everyone to "log on", and only know people will be able to sign other
members up (just like everyone can now).

When I designed the form I knew that someone could do this, but didn't
think that they would pose a big problem.  It only takes a few seconds
for me to change the database back by hand.  I designed the form in
such a way that from the web page you can only sign up - so no one
would be removed how didn't want to.

The database table now looks like this.  So if you when to the page and
found that you had already been signed up and now name now has a 
'N' by it then you will need to sign up again - sorry.

| name              | attend | signedup            | created             |
| Steve Dobson      | Y      | 2004-10-22 15:31:35 | 2004-08-01 17:07:52 |
| Gareth Ablett     | Y      | 2004-10-22 15:51:34 | 2004-08-01 17:20:50 |
| Antoine JOSSERAND | Y      | 2004-10-22 17:36:39 | 2004-10-22 17:36:39 |
| Paul Baines       | N      | 2004-10-22 22:08:23 | 2004-09-25 09:42:01 |
| Al Bennett        | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:15 | 2004-08-21 19:48:28 |
| Andrew Guard      | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:17 | 2004-09-25 20:25:07 |
| Angelo Servini    | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:19 | 2004-08-20 15:47:27 |
| David Chapman     | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:21 | 2004-08-20 09:19:07 |
| Derek Harding     | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:22 | 2004-08-23 07:34:50 |
| Gavin Stevens     | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:29 | 2004-09-24 23:38:29 |
| George Hibberd    | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:34 | 2004-09-24 15:53:42 |
| Mark Harrison     | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:37 | 2004-08-20 11:11:49 |
| John Gregory      | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:44 | 2004-09-28 15:08:44 |
| Jon Fautley       | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:50 | 2004-08-01 17:07:52 |
| Karl Jorgensen    | N      | 2004-10-22 22:09:54 | 2004-09-24 16:59:51 |
| Matt Brown        | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:12 | 2004-09-24 15:53:35 |
| Nik Butler        | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:16 | 2004-08-01 17:07:52 |
| Paul Morris       | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:20 | 2004-08-01 17:07:52 |
| Peter Tyrrell     | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:24 | 2004-09-30 10:39:45 |
| Steve Williams    | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:28 | 2004-08-23 22:18:42 |
| Trevor Marshall   | N      | 2004-10-22 22:10:35 | 2004-09-29 18:30:24 |
| John Davis        | Y      | 2004-10-22 23:12:20 | 2004-09-26 11:02:11 |


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