[Sussex] lsmod output (for Steve D)
John Crowhurst
fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Sep 18 11:20:52 UTC 2004
> Steve,
> Thanks for the tip. Here is the output of lsmod. (I sent it to root,
which Sylpheed picked up, like it does my cron reports).
There is an ongoing argument regarding ide-scsi and Linux 2.6, you can
read it here:
Basically it boils down to Linus preferring IDE CD/R as an IDE interface,
rather than mapping to with a phony-SCSI interface. The view is that
IDE-SCSI is broken for cdrecord, and that later versions of cdrecord take
IDE names as well as SCSI names for devices.
You could try:
append="hdc=ide-cd" in lilo.conf
Then try the following to see the devices:
cdrecord dev=ATAPI:/dev/hdc -scanbus
Then you could try burning a cd image with (example with 16x speed) :
cdrecord -v dev=ATAPI:/dev/hdc -speed 16 <file.iso>
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