[Sussex] New & fairly incompetent Linux user

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Sep 23 19:14:17 UTC 2004


On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 07:27:34PM +0100, Paul Baines wrote:
> Debian - Awe-inspiring, seems to be the holy-grail to most Linux
> enthusiasts that I've spoken to. But needs a decent web-connection i
> think?

I'm one of this lists power Debian users - it all I run.  I have found
that Debian does not take a lot of my time to admin, and upgrading it
is a breeze, the best of all distros.

Nik, Karl, me, and anyone else who wants to come, will be manning a
stall at the next computer fair in Worthing[1] on Sunday 3rd Oct.
We will be there to prompt the club and Linux so please come along.
Part of the kit I will be taking is a Debian mirror.  If you can 
come along with your computer I would be happy to install it for
you there.  Does it have a network card, as it will be a network



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