[Sussex] New & fairly incompetent Linux user

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Fri Sep 24 08:55:30 UTC 2004

Forgive me,

I have not read all of this thread.. time is a little too precious right 

All I wanted to say is that if people are looking to run Debian as a 
desktop system, especially new(ish) users, then they should look at 
Userlinux rather than straight Debian.  Debian is a fine distro, but the 
stable release is lacking a lot of very important development on the 
Desktop front  that has happened in the last couple of years.  Going to 
Debian from Mandrake might feel a little like going from a Windows XP 
user environment to a Window 95 one as a consequence.   UserLinux 
rectifies those problems without straying too far from what Debian is 
all about - we're evaluating (and looking like using) it for desktops 
throughout this company right now.

See http://www.userlinux.com .. for details.

Geoff Teale
Free Software Foundation  //  ACCU  \\ Cmed Technology
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