[Sussex] Distros

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Tue Apr 5 14:54:42 UTC 2005


On Tue, 5 April, 2005 14:48, Steve Dobson said:
> I disagree, IBM has shown us much on how to defend against such case.

I've not read everything on groklaw, but what I have read suggests to me
that IBM haven't had to try very hard to unravel a particularly poor case.

> I see no reason why you can't be pragmatic but still support on group
> because they are closest you your own personal ideals.

I don't want to support one group and if I do pick one based on my ideals,
it will have to be Open Source because they are pragmatic, but I think
both are good, in different situations, so I prefer to support individual

> I once heard that the law was not that for the lawabiding, but for the
> criminals.  That is what I am trying to say - poorly it seams.

So far the community generally has shown it is pretty capable of shunning
those who do not play along with the spirit of the licenses (arguably more
important than the clauses themselves). I am happy to trust in that.

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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