[Sussex] Brief introduction and Ubuntu question...

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu Apr 7 08:31:49 UTC 2005

Morning folks!

I briefly met one of you guys (sorry didn't get a name so can't say who
- fella with glasses and blond hair who was installing debian at about
3PM?!) at the BCP do in Worthing and being a Sussex yokel thought I'd
sign up.  I have a swift question about Ubuntu.  First though, following
the old netiquette, I should briefly introduce myself.  I am a web
developer / systems administrator for a company in Worthing.  I
currently manage a couple of intranet based Windows 2000 servers (Citrix
on one of them), a couple of Debian based intranet servers (PHP, MySQL,
Apache, Courier IMAP) and a couple of Debian based public servers (UMLs
from the Bytemark boys) for our internet services (Apache2, PHP, MySQL,
Postfix, Amavisd-new, Spamassassin, Clamav).  Outside work I also
manage/own 3 other Bytemark UMLs (all Debian) - hangovers from previous

Been using Linux for about 5 years (started with RH6.2) and enjoying it
enormously.  I always use Debian on servers now (with packages from
backports.org or self-compiled bits) and at the moment I use Mandrake
10.1 on my laptop and desktop.  Mandrake is great, but I miss apt and
debian's elegance and stability.

Right, then, after that spiel, here's the question!!!  Has anyone given
Ubuntu a thorough testing?  How does it stand up?  I'm thinking of
installing it on my laptop so I can apt away with impunity!!!  I don't
want to have to do lots of recompiling so it would be fab if it could
handle a winmodem (ltmodem driver?), ndiswrapper for my wireless card
and power management (particularly a working and reliable suspend
function) out of the box or with a quick bit of tweaking (eg: for
ndiswrapper drivers, etc).  Also, staggeringly enough, I managed to win
an iPod recently (heard all the abuse already, thank you!), but in order
to connect it to my laptop reliably, I had to whip up a new kernel -
works great however the latest kernel ( as of this) locks up on
modprobing my sound card driver (NeoMagic 256AV).  Would be very cool if
Ubuntu likes iPods too!!

I also need to be able to connect to Terminal Services on the Win2K
machines which I can merrily do with Mandrake's Virtual Network
Connection widget.  Anyone doing that with Ubuntu?

Any thoughts?

Any future postings will be shorter due to lack of job gumph!!


e: ronan at thelittledot.com
w: www.thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997
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