[Sussex] Do we confuse you?

Mark Barber mark.barber6 at virgin.net
Fri Apr 8 11:56:09 UTC 2005

Geoff sorry to have to 'flame' but you really shouldn't say things like 
that about marketing people. They may not think the same as you, but 
without them you probably wouldn't have a job. They are  a vital part of 
any successful business.

I would actually argue the opposite - since they do not have enough 'up 
top' to make them up they tend to accept any Three Letter Acronyms 
offered without question so that they do not appear stupid. And where do 
the TLAs come from? The product people of course who are 


Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:

>nik butler <nik at reducedhackers.com> writes:
>>yes .. but none of the above carries abbriviations or jargon !
>Ah..  but funny though.  Besides, Catch 22 is jargon in itself.  
>>I do feel though that possibly the media itelf is to blame for useless
>>oversimplification and word creation of issues in an attempt to make a
>>200 word story from a topic which requires 1000 words to
>Absolutely.  The vast majority of acronyms are generated by marketing
>people in my experience.  The only things that geeks abbreviate are
>things that are so commonly used that they are unmistakable  (at least
>for knowledgeable people, the general public wouldn't understand what
>"AOP", for example,  was even if we expand it fully).
>>There is a Campaign group called "The Campaign for Plain
>>English" and even their title is a clear statement of what they wish
>>to achieve. In Ten years of campaigning however they have made little
>>real impact on how people are talking and communicating between
>----- %< ---------
>Interesting.  My wife is a member of a similar group who are active in
>the legal profession.  Indeed the law is an area where "jargon" in the
>form of latin and contracted words (like "herewithinafter") have
>become such an issue that they are basically outlawed now.  Even so
>training solicitors to write in a clear manner is major task.

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