[Sussex] LUG Radio

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Apr 8 13:13:16 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 10:35 +0100, Andrew Guard wrote:
> This has not been mention in long time.  The last time was on there 
> second show, lot happen since then.
> Lug Radio,
> www.lugradio.org
> It just about Linux, Open Source and problems with wireless networks. 
> It is encoded in MP3 and Ogg in both low and as high bit rates versions. 
>   You can download it web site or via bit torrent.
> Personal I download Ogg in high bit rate via bit torrent.  It should 
> take less 10 min's to download.
> PS It not for the little ones, contains language and topics that some 
> may find offensive. As they have words which are sead everyday in all 
> school playgrounds up and down the land.

Dunno if someone could explain, I kept Andrews email, so that I'd
remember to have a listen, time permitting.

It's available for download as ogg or mp3 in both lower/standard quality
and "high" quality.

so, being a good linux user, the HQ ogg stream made sense, but when I
tried to open it, it wouldn't load to the playlist in XMMS.

Should I have some sort of additional plugin or something? because I
thought that XMMS would automatically play an ogg download like that?

I'm confused, because I also got the "high quality" download for mp3,
and xmms wouldn't load that either?

Yet, if I try and play the mp3 download with realplayer, it plays fine.

If I then try xmms to play a ripped mp3, it plays fine as well.

Am I missing something ??


John D.

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