[Sussex] Watcher

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Apr 9 22:30:21 UTC 2005


A short while ago I wanted something to keep an eye on some services on my
machine, not wanting to install Big Brother nor a big NMS just to keep an
eye on the machine, I remembered something I used to use at Demon.

OK, when you are looking after hundreds of computers that spew warnings
every 10 minutes that they are low on disk space or that a service you
already knew about had died, it gets tedious, but for my server I decided
that a few annoying emails would be fine.

Once I managed to get it to compile under Linux, (commenting out every
reference to extern char *sys_errlist[]; in all the C files), figuring out
where all the binaries lived (ie not in /usr/ucb) it works fine!

If anyone is interested in this facinating program, you can find it here:


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