[Sussex] Mail for Nik

steve at dobson.org steve at dobson.org
Tue Apr 12 14:46:28 UTC 2005

Oh Venerable Master

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 03:21:01PM +0100, Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:
> steve at dobson.org writes:
> >> The network not the encryption?
> >
> > I assume you mean compression.
> Grasshopper, remember that the mighty tiger is also a cat.

It is true what you say.  With encryption compression too do you get.

But is it not also said: "Do one task and do it well"?  The ssh(1) command
is doing encryption.  But if plain rsh(1) I used less CPU would I use.  But
plain rsh(1) is a network protocol that is bad.  Passwords in plain text 
are they sent.  So plain rsh(1), on principle, I not use.
> > Your milage maybe different.  It depends upon the compression software
> > used, the speed of both ends and the network bandwidth.  That was why I
> > said "might."
> A tiger at the top of a cliff can pounce further than one at the
> bottom.

But if land on rock and twist angle much slower to the prey would it not
> And now you are enlightened. :-)

No, I have many more questions great master.


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