[Sussex] New Flyer for the BCF

steve at dobson.org steve at dobson.org
Wed Apr 13 13:25:25 UTC 2005


On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 02:01:58PM +0100, Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:
> Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> writes:
> > Last month we ran out of flyers for the BCF stand.  As Richie is now 
> > complaining of having nothing to read I thought it would be a better use
> > of his time to proof read the new flyer.
> Very nice.   I thin that captures what you're trying to achieve very well.
> Although you're slipping.. you wrote several sentences without once
> mentioning Debian :-P

No, the plan is working.  First get them to use Linux, then get them to
use Debian.  If you were to come to the BCF once in a while you would notice
that Debian is NOT said to new recruits only to old hacks like yourself.

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