[Sussex] Who removed the space??!!

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Wed Apr 13 14:08:59 UTC 2005

Richie Jarvis wrote:
> Bah! I had all the SLUG mailing nicely filing automatically into my SLUG 
> folder - until today - when someone removed a space from the List-ID: 
> field...
> Own up - whoever you are ;)

Probably lug.org.uk central committee, or whatever they're called ;)

Why not just filter on 'sussex.mailman.lug.org.uk' being contained in 
the List-Id field? Much easier, as they should never change, unless 
something major happens on the list server...

Jon <who is now RHCE (Certificate Number 803005541914573) as of this 
morning :) >

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