[Sussex] Re: Connecting Slackware 10.1 to Slackware 10.1 [Was: Connecting SuSE 9.2 to Windows XP]

Alan Delaney black.rebel at virgin.net
Thu Apr 14 20:06:56 UTC 2005


One e-mail sent at 23:01, four replies by 23:32 - and I 
thought *I* had no social life.  Alright, you've closed me, 
I'll be visiting Wolfat tomorrow afternoon.  As for the 
hub/switch, that will have to wait for a bit for financial 
reasons (he says, crossing his fingers).  While as for the 
floppies, I don't need a lot, just enough to swap some files 
across until I can get my machines talking to each other and 
my modem plugged into my network, now if you've got some old 
hard-drives lying around gathering dust ...

Thanks for your help, as usual I be getting in touch when I 
hit the next bug :-)

Captain Redbeard

  'This isn't looking so hot, is it?  I mean, the Turings
are on to it.  I was thinking maybe we should try to
bail out.  I can take you.'

  'Yeah?  No shit?  You don't wanna see what that
Chinese program can do?'

  'Well, I ...' Case stared at the green walls of the T-A
ice.  'Well, screw it.  Yeah, we run'

 -- William Gibson, "Neuromancer".

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