[Sussex] Dual Boot

Rupert Swarbrick rupert.swarbrick at lineone.net
Thu Apr 14 22:38:54 UTC 2005

>However, does anyone have any hot tips for creating a dual boot system,
>in the hope that I may avoid big problems & thus keep Tracy's enthusiasm
>for Ubuntu.
I have been running dual boot for yonks and, although I very rarely use
Windows (in fact, I think I might have a virus and can't actually be
bothered to do anything about it), nothing has gone wrong.

More to the point, I managed not to irretrievably break anything when I
was using linux for the first year or so, despite hosing the system

The best advice I can give is to free up a /home partition and when you
want to change distros (or break the old one irrevocably) you can just
tell the installer to write over it.

But whatever you do, make sure you learn the partition number. I was
feeling really cocky the first time I reinstalled, knowing my docs and
preferences would still be intact. And then realised that I'd installed
my shiny new slackware distro on top of them. D'oh!

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