[Sussex] Multiple Linux disks

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Apr 15 08:15:41 UTC 2005


On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 08:38:24AM +0100, Brendan Whelan wrote:
> Thanks for the response - I use the GRUB loader. Any advice on what changes
> I need to make to the loader would be welcome.

I'm not a grub expert by any means, I still mostly use lilo.

However this web page should help you somewhat 

The important kernel parameter you need change is "root".  This defines
the partition that will be mounted (read only) by the kernel as root (/)
before the kernel hands over control to init(8).  You will need to have
different grub boot options for each partition you may want to boot as root.

If you're having problems with the grub syntax then post back to the list,
as there are a number of better grub people on this list.

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