[Sussex] New Flyer for the BCF

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Apr 15 14:33:57 UTC 2005


On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 07:57:15PM +0100, Fleming, Frances wrote:
>           if the coloured logo were to appear on the right instead 
> of the left, with its topside against the edge of the sheet, then
> people will (A) be able to open the flyer like a book, and (B) see
> the "What Is Linux" and "Why Is Linux Free" paragraphs :)

Frances, in the words of one of my teachers:
     Fleming, you are a problem!  What are you, Fleming?

This was a lot more work than I first thought, but I think I have
something that now works.  I had to change the copy a bit when I
re-arranged things, so please re-proof read.  I had to shorten the
bits on SLUG so they would fit within one column - to allow the
flyer to make some sort of sense in both it's folded and unfolded
                         [And blame Fleming for this extra work :-)]

You can get the new flyers from:


If you want a test flyer with labelled columns (so you can work out
the paper feed for your printer) then try these:


You need to print the second side so that column F is behind A,
E is behind B, and D is behind C.  On my Laserjet I just had to feed
the top of the page in first both times.

Folding Instructions:

With the page laid out thus:

   |     |     |     |  A: should have "What Is Linux?"
   |     |     |     |
   |  A  |  B  |  C  |  B: should have "What Is Knoppix?"
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |  C: should the the end of "How Do I Install Knoppix?"

Fold column C over column B thus:

   |     |     |        A: should have "What Is Linux?"
   |     |     |      
   |  A  |  D  |        D: should have "What Is SLUG?"
   |     |     |      
   |     |     |

Now fold column A over column D.  You should see column F (the logo).

Are we not men?
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