[Sussex] The SLUG website?

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Apr 18 07:54:09 UTC 2005


On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 04:48:03PM +0100, John D. wrote:
> Is there something wrong with the site or is "Dobbo the Great" playing
> again?
> Because I just tried to look at it and I only got the top 20% or so of
> the home page, and it indicated that it had finished loading! (or is it
> this weekend that LUG.org are doing the upgrade that got mentioned
> recently???

No I haven't been playing.

As I posted at the end of last week the admins of the site upgraded 
the software on the host Saturday.  One of the changes is a move to
PHP5.  The PHP5 / MySQL interface has changed.  The software I wrote
needs to be modified to use the new interfaces.  I am currently upgrading
the software on the SLUG system to match software on the website so I
have a development environment to work upon.

As it is the system I bring to the BCF stall that will become the 
reference system this will have the side effect of having the website
available at the BCF stands - which I was planning to do anyway.

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