[Sussex] Cleaning recommendation?

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Mon Apr 18 19:33:51 UTC 2005

On Mon, April 18, 2005 19:10, Fleming, Frances said:

> But I haven't dared open any of them up yet. What might I find?

Pink brick dust all over the insides, perhaps.

> What does anyone think I should best do? Paintbrush and vacuum combo or
> compressed aerosol or what?

An aerosol will blow the dust around, so couple it with a vacuum hose so
that the dust you loosen goes in the vac. A paintbrush is also a good idea

Don't forget the power supply, as that could be full too, and running the
computer would dissipate it around the inside of the case.

> There were a couple of floppies lying out as well: do you think they
> would have been damaged? :(

Probably not directly, but placing them in a drive might cause problems,
so  try blowing the dust off them.


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