[Sussex] Cleaning recommendation?

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Mon Apr 18 21:48:11 UTC 2005

Fleming, Frances wrote:

> I've just spent a **delightful** weekend cleaning fine, pink brick dust
> from EVERY surface and EVERY crevice FROM DAWN 'TIL DUSK  - - - and
> beyond 8(

Fun - not!

> Unfortunately, I did start two of my computers up before starting the
> cleaning, i.e. when the carpet and tables were still dusty, and only
> when I got to work today, did someone suggest they were probably chock
> full of the stuff :(

Actually, probably not. Still It's worth a quick look inside, you will
probably be surprised how much fluff and other stuff is in there. I'd say
use the vacuum, but leave the mains cord connected to the PC so it's
earthed. You also need to watch you don't knock any of the little jumper
plugs or switches. Just a quick wave of the hose close above each part is
usually enough to get most of the dust out.

At least brick dust is non-conducting and so a little bit won't hurt.

If you find a lot of dust in any of the computers it is worth paying special
attention to the various fans. I often unclip the processor fan and give it
a good blow/suck through the vanes of the heat sink.



Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
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