[Sussex] Steve Ballmer using Linux in public

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Tue Apr 26 09:57:52 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 16:01 +0100, Angelo Servini wrote:
> <snip> 
> > Is it? Where would you stand on the motives/benefits of a Microsoft
> > produced Linux distribution?
> > 
> Not interested.  Definitely not.  I am going to purchase crossover office, and if that does the trick.  M$ is going.

I can't say as I would be, although there is a morbid curiosity as to
how/whether they ever would!

> > Playing devils advocate for a moment, Microsoft could produce a very
> > good Linux distribution with some proprietary extras (so long as the
> > didn't link in and break the GPL) that would work something like
> > Crossover Office and allow the main Microsoft applications (and key
> > others) to run. People interested in Linux would then see 'the best of
> > both worlds' in that distro (new adopters and possibly a few others,
> > mainly businesses perhaps?).
> > 
> > OK, we have a scenario, let's play a bit. Software 
> > manufacturers may see
> > the Microsoft distro as a key player, support for Linux and Windows is
> > simply a case of supporting this version. Anyone using the MS 
> > distro may
> > have serious difficulties migrating to another as, much like 
> > moving from
> > Windows, you have to replace some applications (oh dear, probably the
> > same ones).
> > 
> I agree with what others have said.  If microsoft get involved, its
>  still not "free" as described by the GPL and the Free Software
>  Foundation.  Anything owned by a big corporation is still owned by
>  them, and we dont get a look in.  we cant see the code, we cant change
>  it.  Our freedom of innovation ends here.

I didn't say it was, but it may appeal to those Windows users that are
still unsure of Linux - it might make them feel comfortable still being
an MS OS, or more specifically may be more practical since they would
(perhaps) be able to keep their applications (which after all is what it
is really about).

> No.  I prefer my distro to be "owned" by the community. Just as it is now.

I quite agree with you, and to be honest I don't see MS as ever doing a
Linux distro. Let's face it, for them to do one of their "let's embrace
this internet thing we dismissed before' style U-turns they would have
to be an already broken company :) Perhaps if their percentage of the
desktop market fell below 50% and people could freely purchase a PC with
any compatible OS they chose, but it would be a major climb down for
them and pretty much admitting defeat!

> <humour>
> The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator.
> </humour>

Well I'm self made, but I didn't make much of myself. With a bit more
effort I may just be worthy of a pat on the back ;)

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/

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