[Sussex] Scanner [Was: Moots]

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Apr 29 10:18:07 UTC 2005


On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 10:26 +0100, Stephen Williams wrote:
> Sorry I couldn't make the Moot - the missus remembered she had to
> babysit for a friend at the last minute. Won't happen again.

I wondered why you were not there.

> I have an Artec AM12S SCSI Scanner going for a song - supplied with
> Domex 3191d SCSI card so only suitable for desktop PC use - unless
> you've got a SCSI PC Card. According to the SANE web site it's fully
> supported by Sane. I've just acquired an Epson 1240u, also supported by
> Sane, but because it's USB it works with the notebook PC as well. Anyone
> interested? 

As it happens I might be (if the price is right).  How much are you
looking for?


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