[Sussex] MP3 recoding

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Tue Aug 2 19:11:10 UTC 2005

On Tue, August 2, 2005 12:47, Dave Chapman said:
>> You could try lame:
>> lame --decode filename.mp3 filename.wav
>> lame -b 64 filename.wav filename-64.mp3
> That works.
>> Or for every file in a directory:
>> for i in *.mp3; do
>>   lame --decode $i.mp3 temp.wav
>>   lame -b 64 temp.wav $i-64.mp3
>>   rm -f temp.wav
>> done
> This didn't


for i in *.mp3; do
  lame --decode $i temp.wav
  lame -b 64 temp.wav $i-64.mp3
  rm -f temp.wav

You will end up with some files called filename.mp3-64.mp3, so you can fix
that with rename:

rename .mp3-64.mp3 -64.mp3 *mp3-64.mp3

Which will replace all filenames.mp3-63.mp3 with filenames-64.mp3


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