[Sussex] The Vanishing Mouse Pointer

Rupert Swarbrick rupert.swarbrick at lineone.net
Sat Aug 6 21:04:51 UTC 2005

Here's an irritating problem:

I use a Dell Inspiron, which works wonderfully (indeed, partially thanks
to help from here, I've finally got DRI working on it). Unfortunately,
there is one (at least one!) niggle - the button that registers a lid
close successfully blanks the screen and locks it, but once I've got it
back, the mouse pointer has mysteriously disappeared.

Everything works (indeed, I just managed to stop audacity on it's
recording that it was doing while I was out and save the file), but the
mouse pointer is invisible, which makes things somewhat difficult.

When I use software suspend and then resume again, the mouse pointer is
back (I use a setting called something like XWindowsHack, which shuts X
down moderately gracefully, so that's probably why the mouse pointer is

The question, then, is:

1.) Why is the pointer disappearing and how can I stop it doing so.

or (not quite so good, but still would be great!)

2.) Is there a program to restart the mouse pointer section of X - then
all I have to do is the keyboard shortcut for an xterm and run that.

Any ideas?

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