[Sussex] Resolutions

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon Aug 15 14:59:56 UTC 2005

Hi Gavin

On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 00:55:17 +0100
Gavin Stevens <starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net> wrote:

> So if your PC is an older machine, then my theory might be true, but
> if you've got an up-to-date P4 type PC, then my hypothesis is in
> tatters.

Unfortunately for your theory, the machine is a P4 3GHz, 512 MB Ram,
40GB HDD.  Its an almost new Compaq.  Has no problems at all with
OpenGL screensavers running at high resolution...

Sounded good there for a second though!!



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