[Sussex] Free Opera registrations

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Wed Aug 31 14:08:55 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:
  > So when are you going to come to a moot and present use with your
> successful installation of OpenBIOS[1]?
> Steve
> [1] http://www.openbios.info/project/


Upon fulfillment of two preconditions:

   1. I have time to make it to a meet (hopefully next month)
   2. I get openBIOS to work.

.. I actually have a rather borked old novatech box that I've been 
playing around with it on, but I'm not brave enough to let it near 
machines that I do actual productive work on yet.

I would point out that using non-free BIOS, whilst annoying, is somewhat 
sadly still essential for most computer users.  Using non-free browser 
when there are several comparable (some would say superior) browsers 
available that are truly free just seems stupid.

G.J. Teale
Development Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
Holmwood, Broadlands Business Campus,
Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QP, United Kingdom

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