[Sussex] Free Opera registrations
Steve Dobson
steve at dobson.org
Wed Aug 31 15:37:38 UTC 2005
Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> Steve Dobson wrote:
> >I know what you mean. I can't find the time (or the hardware) to
> >try it out on.
> I think there is a higher fear factor involved in flashing your BIOS as
> well.
Yes, but if I had a machine I didn't care about then fear wouldn't be
a factor. The "trouble" with running Linux is that every machine, even
the old ones, so long as they still work, can be put to some use.
> >I don't disagree with you but I still think that it comes done to a
> >personal interpretation of "superior".
> Obviously, yes this is true, though I'd argue that compared to anything
> Firefox would still come out as pretty darn good.
Except for its size. Firefox's footprint suggest bloatware to me.
Opera, I hear, is smaller and lighter and I does the work perfectly.
But, yes, Firefoxes freedom credentials are much, much better.
> >At the end of the day I think we agree (haven't we both had this
> >rant before?) that the most importing thing is peoples right to
> >choose which software they use.
> Ah, yes, but given that Linux is Free Software, that this is a Linux
> User Group
No this is a Linux Users' Group - there isn't just you that uses Linux
on this list :-)
> and that someone was drawing peoples attention to an offer
> designed to encourage them to adopt a piece of non-free software, I felt
> that it was my duty to draw their attention to the following:
> - Opera are making you a strictly limited offer to get your first hit
> for free in the hope to get you to pay them money for the next one.
> - Opera are asking you to sacrifice certain freedoms in order to use
> their software.
> - There are comparable alternatives that don't require you to
> sacrifice these freedoms.
> I think this information is necessary to make an informed choice.
So far I agree with you.
> Moreover I stand by the statement that choosing non-free software over
> free-software when there are no significant advantages to using the
> non-free software is mind-numbingly stupid.
No! Here I have to disagree. I have a very valid reason for taking
Opera up on their offer. I like to design web pages that "Work with
Any Browser". I'm sure you support that campaign. Therefore the more
browsers I can use to test my sites with the more I am likely to design
my web pages browser neutral.
> I don't begrudge Opera a bit of business, I just think propagating an
> advert for non-free software through this list unchecked is probably not
> a good idea.
Unchecked probably not, but this is a _Linux_ Users' Group not a
_Free_Software_ Users' Group so talk about any software that runs on
Linux is allowable, at least in my book.
Canada Bill Jones's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
Canada Bill Jones's Supplement:
A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
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