[Sussex] New distro install (Mandriva 2006) problems - where to start?

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Dec 10 16:07:28 UTC 2005

Thomas Adam wrote:

>>I also had a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf - which caused me to
>>think a little (yes I can manage that, occassionally :D ). The
>>first thing I noticed was that the monitor was set at 1600x1200 @
>>70hz. I'm presuming that thats something that harddrake or whatever
>>utility, chose automatically (my memory suggested that the monitor
>>has been set at slightly different "speeds" previously) so I changed
>>it to 1600x1200 @ 76hz which has made some improvements the normal
>>horizontal/vertical settings that [it's] capable of are * "30-94 Khz /
>>50-160 Hz", *I'm sure that previously I've had it set at 1600x1200 @
>>85hz but am not offered that option. Hum???
>If you're careful, I would use xvidtune(1) to spit out a modeline for
>your monitor, and throw that in your xorg.conf file.   
>>Also, with KDE you get the small "cursor icon" that moves with the
>>cursor pointer as you move the mouse. This sometimes leaves a trail
>>of "little icons" when the mouse/cursor is moved - the mouse entry of
>>the xorg.conf shows that it "thinks" that the mouse uses EXPLORERPS/2
>>and the scroll setting is entered as Option "ZAXIS MAPPING" "6
>>7". The mouse is "working" reasonably well, though with previous
>>distros/installs I've always used IMPS/PS2 and the z axis mapping has
>>been set to "4 5". Have I got it "wrong" before and mandriva found/set
>>it right?? Or would it be safe/sensible to change it???
>Yes --- I would almost certainly use IMPS/2 as the mouse protocol.  This
>should then clear up those inconsistencies.
Ok, thanks Thomas.

I don't know how to use xvidtune, but on the off chance, I "bit the 
bullet" and changed the entry in the xorg.conf for the monitor, so that 
it reads like this (with VI)

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "monitor1"
    VendorName "Generic"
    ModelName "1600x1200 @ 85 Hz"
    HorizSync 30.0-94.0
    VertRefresh 50-160

to reflect what I understand are the correct "spec" settings for it.

Some further reading suggested to me that the mouse setting for the 
"ZAXIS MAPPING" (of "6 7") is something to do with a 7 button device. 
Whereas the mouse is a logitech "Cordless Mouseman Optical" and in any 
case only has 4 actual buttons, well 5 if you count the scroll wheel 
"click" facility, so I'll have a go at changing that to the "4 5" 
setting and IMPS/2 for the protocol and see how I get on.


John D.

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