[Sussex] To whoever it was who was having performance problems with Mandriva 2006...

Mike Diack mike_diack at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 14 13:17:41 UTC 2005

I got the following - from the Mandriva mailing list - this sounds a lot 
like your problem....

Mandriva Security
Updates - Good For What Ails You

As always, we remind you to update your Mandriva Linux regularly!
Updating not only keeps your system as secure as possible, it can
also improve system functionality and resolve bugs. Along with the
usual important security fixes, the updates released since the last
newsletter include an update for 2006.0 which fixes a bug some users
may have experienced where a bad interaction between acpid, logrotate
and X.org caused the system to stick at 99% CPU usage. The updated
acpid package fixes this problem. Other updates since the last
newsletter include security updates to binutils, GTK+ and PHP and
bugfix updates to various Mandriva configuration tools, so update
today if you haven't already! Remember, Mandriva Online is our
premium update service which makes updating your Mandriva system a
snap, notifying you when updates become available and optionally
automatically installing them for you.

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