[Sussex] Buying a new PC (sans MS tax)

Diego Moore diego.moore at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 17:44:39 UTC 2005

Hi Mark,

On 08/12/05, Mark Harrison (Groups) <mph at ascentium.co.uk> wrote:
> Anyone got any recommendations for a new PC _without_ Windows?
> I don't want to get into buying components for everything, but would
> consider a "barebones" to which I had to add CPU, RAM and Disk.

I get emailed some refurbished Dells by www.europc.co.uk and have just
noticed that they also do ones that have not been refurbished by Dell
with no OS installed.

Here are some examples:

Grade Unrefurbished, Model Precision 370, Black Tower, OpSys None, N/A
CPU Pentium 4 2.8 GHz, Memory 1 GB DDR II SDRAM, 400 MHz Hard Drive 36
GB, SCSI Optical Drive DVD-ROM, Graphics 128 MB Quadro FX1300, Audio
On board, Network Ethernet Modem Modem (analogue) Adapter On board USB
Ports 8 DIMM Used 2 DIMM Free 2 2 1 1 PCIe Graphics used 1 3.5" 1.44
MB floppy N/A N/A


Grade Unrefurbished, Model Precision 370, Black Tower, OpSys None, N/A
CPU Pentium 4 3 GHz, Memory 2 GB DDR II SDRAM, 400 MHz Hard Drive 160
GB, SATA Optical Drive DVD±RW, Optical Drive DVD-ROM, Graphics 64 MB
Quadro NVS 280, Audio On board, Network Ethernet Modem Modem
(analogue) Adapter On board USB Ports 8 DIMM Used 4 DIMM Free 0 3 1 1
PCIe Graphics used 1 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy N/A N/A


The machine I'm typing this is Dell refurbished with a Dell warranty,
real bargain.

Hope this helps,

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