[Sussex] I need a *helpful* error messageH

Dominic Humphries linux at oneandoneis2.org
Wed Dec 21 22:34:37 UTC 2005

Quoting David Morris <slug at greenacre.no-ip.com>:
> Hi, I had this the other day myself.  It either fixed itself or was 
> running on a desktop(was hidden from me) and then finally displayed 
> itself.  You could try running the command through strace

As ever, as soon as I found the answer, I kicked myself for not working it out
for myself. Where do applications put files, other than in /home? In /tmp of

strace revealed that XMMS jammed when it tried to use the file
/tmp/xmms_dominic.0 - deleted the file, and XMMS is back from the dead!

What a great tool! Thanks for pointing me to it.

Kind regards


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