[Sussex] PS3 is lot more open then you think

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Tue Dec 27 19:59:28 UTC 2005


On 4:32:10 pm 27/12/2005 "Andrew Guard" <andrew at andrewguard.com> wrote:
> Just been talking to someone I know who is writing software for Sony
> PlayStation3 and there was lot of talk of how open API's which is
> using. Looks like Sony is in all out war with Microsoft and attacking

Shame that they aren't releasing free SDKs, enabling the hardware to play
homebrew games in a sandbox or generally making it possible to develop
without spending millions.
The first console that does the above will positively clean up, because
then people can write and play the simple little games that everyone enjoys
more than the great big sagas, but doesn't want to pay fifty quid for.

I was expecting that Sony would be handing the market to Microsoft this
round, but they seem to have screwed up the 360 so badly that Sony really
ought to clean up again. Even the Gamecube is outselling the 360 in Japan!

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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