[Sussex] Noob

Alan Pope alan.pope at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 10:34:23 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 10:13:01 -0000, Angelo Servini
<Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk> wrote:
> Viruses and Virii are both correct.
> Quoting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plural_of_virus
> "In the English language, the normal plural of "virus" is "viruses". This form of the plural is correct, and used most frequently, both when referring to a biological virus and when referring to a computer virus. The forms "viri" and "virii" are also used as a plural, although less frequently. There is disagreement over whether these forms should be considered correct."

Since when did wikipedia become the reference of the English language?
Indeed wikipedia is itself contradictory.. see

"The English plural of "virus" is "viruses". Some people use "virii"
or "viri" as a plural, although computer professionals seldom or never
use these words. For a discussion about whether "viri" and "virii" are
correct alternatives for "viruses", see plural of virus."

Neither dictionary.com nor OED recognise viri or virii as words, but
do recognise viruses. Just because people use the word doesn't make it

Like you I can also pluck websites out to back up my position :)




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