[Sussex] Online with Ubuntu

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Wed Feb 9 00:29:08 UTC 2005

Hi Geoff,

Geoffrey Teale wrote:

> Hi Gavin
> Gavin Stevens wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Finally got round to installing Ubuntu.
> Good man...
>> The installation was very quick - no more than 20 minutes from 
>> inserting the CD to showing the Gnome desktop in mud brown.
> I must object... it's most definitely "Monkey shit brown"...

I stand corrected :-)

> -----%<------
>> One thing I've noticed is that it has no software whatsoever that 
>> will do anything with mp3 files. I truly admire this spirited stand 
>> against a non-free format, but I have 30 CDs worth (as wave files) of 
>> mp3s, so I think a visit to the Audacity website is on the cards.
> If you're using Synaptic to manage packages go to 
> "Settings->Repositories" and ensure that you have the "universe" and 
> "multiverse" repositories selected.  Having done that hit reload and 
> then search for "Mp3" and you'll find a very long list of application 
> to create, play and manage MP3's.
Thanks - I've just done this & have seen nearly all of my old favourites 
re-appear, including Audacity, XMMS, the mighty Sylpheed & even X-Wave. 
All except AbiWord. Still, can't have everything - I can always get it 
from the AbiWord site.

>> The hardest thing right now is not having Sylpheed, my top favourite 
>> e-mail client of all time. 
> If you follow the above steps Sylpheed is definitely available.
This is definitely worth another thankyou.

> -----%<-----
>> Apart from these teething troubles, it seems good.
> It's very good.  In terms of a no hassle, stable (but up to date) and 
> easily managed distro it's definitely the best I've seen.  All the 
> good bits of Debian without the epic release intervals.
> As ever, more adventurous users would be well advised to give Arch or 
> Gentoo a go, but Ubuntu really is a very comfortable place to live in 
> the day to day.
Ubuntu certainly seems to be endearing itself to me more each day.


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