[Sussex] Does anyone know when/if the next issue of Linux Format isdue out?

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Thu Feb 10 12:44:46 UTC 2005

Hi Mike

 From: Mike Diack [mailto:mike_diack at hotmail.com]
 Subject: [Sussex] Does anyone know when/if the next issue of Linux
Format isdue out?
> See subject.
> (By the way - am feeling increasingly lonesome as a Mandrake user -
with all
> this talk of Ubuntu etc).
> (Does anyone else on the list use Mandrake?)

I would say check linuxformat.co.uk but it doesn't seem to be loading
but sadly I don't know the release date for LXF, I personally don't buy
it that often.

As for mandrake I used something like version 6 some time ago and tried
10 AMD64 version for a test run but never really like it.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

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