[Sussex] if MS developed Gentoo ...

Mark Harrison (Groups) mph at ascentium.co.uk
Thu Feb 10 21:33:53 UTC 2005

Paul Graydon wrote:

>If MS made Gentoo.  You'd spend 11+ hours compiling the GUI for it, and then
>it'd crash out saying "There is no error message for this error", leaving
>you none the wiser as to what the problem was.
>Then, after hours of digging around online to find out what went wrong, and
>then a further 11 hours recompiling it succesfully, MS would release yet
>another major security update, forcing you to recompile it yet again.
When Mary was coding VB apps, she used to have a standard error trap 
that popped up a dialog saying "an expected error occurred" on the basis 
that she knew it was VB and therefore SOMETHING would go wrong :-)


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