[Sussex] Gnome annoyances

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Tue Feb 15 12:36:08 UTC 2005

Hi list,

Firstly, a mega thanks to Steve Williams for popping down and running me  
through the connection and config process of my pda/smartphone. All mp3's  
now copied :D:D:D

So, back to the gnome annoyances. While he was setting up the  
pda/smartphone thing, Steve showed me how he had his desktop set up on his  
laptop - very smart.

With that in mind, I thought I'd re-look at gnome, in a vague attempt to  
assess my historical preference/prejudice viz kde rather than gnome.

After having a little meddle and shifting most of the taskbar stuff to the  
bottom, and resizing the icons/taskbar etc my first "gnome annoyance" has  
appeared. Try as I might, the taskbar won't sit on the very bottom of the  
screen, it stays stubbornly above it, about the width of the actual task  
bar. I can change the orientation and tell it to position itself at the  
top and it'll happily sit right at the top of the screen, but when I try  
to reposition it at the bottom, it will only go back to that same "taskbar  
width" above the bottom edge of the screen.

How do I get rid of this annoying characteristic.


John D.

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