[Sussex] Bloody email problems

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 18:52:09 UTC 2005

Hi list,

Firstly sorry for sending something that's basically a test through the 
list, but I seem to have had no end of problems (probably my fault) with 
email today.

I'd not been able to get stuff via my ISP (eclipse) using evolution, and 
I'd been using Opera. For reasons that I don't follow I could only get 
stuff that was directed through my old ISP, and a direct connection 
dialup that I keep for emergencies.

When I rang the current ISP to check settings, the only thing the bloke 
could help with was suggestions of what might need to go into the 
various boxes (I'm sure you can all imagine words like Evolution and 
Opera going down like a pork chop in a synagogue :-! ).

The only thing I really understood was when "mateybollocks" said the 
words "thunderbird". Ha ha thinks me, that's gotta be the way round 
this, so that "he" can tell me exactly what I need to put in the various 

It seems to have worked. So all I really need to do now is work out how 
I import the stuff that I've had saved for future reference from 
evolution and opera.

Though it still amazes me why the hell "they" can't standardise the 
input fields in _all_ email clients - it'd be so much easier seeing as 
how you only need the email address, server name and password. All the 
other crap just seems a little extraneous.

Ha, I also expect that most of you _know_ better ways of "doing" email, 
so perhaps it's just pointless whingeing on my part (and no, you don't 
need to answer that :-D )


John D.
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