[Sussex] Linux VoIP software

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Thu Feb 17 10:17:26 UTC 2005

--On Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:56 pm +0000 "Mark Harrison (Groups)" 
<mph at ascentium.co.uk> wrote:

> Andrew Guard wrote:
>> Do you know of any software for Linux which would work at
>> sipgate.co.uk VoIP system.
>> Just got myself a phone number from there.
> Andrew,
> It's probably not quite what you're looking for, but I'm using Asterisk
> with sipgate.co.uk
Ditto - probably overkill
> I suspect you're after something a bit simpler though?
Wouldn't a soft client like Xten (www.xten.com) work?  - or buy a cheap IP 

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