[Sussex] Thunderbird customisation?

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Thu Feb 17 12:00:08 UTC 2005


The junk folder should be in the tree by default.  If it isn't then you
have a v. dodgy install.

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 11:50 +0000, John D. wrote:
> Does anyone know of any good links for customising Thunderbird - Mainly 
> things like the file tree showing the junk folder, so I can check to 
> make sure that there's nothing there that shouldn't be (I've managed to 
> set things up i.e. the actual junk mail controls but can't find where it 
> goes)?

Geoffrey Teale <gteale at cmedltd.com>
Cmed Technology

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