[Sussex] Heat!

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Mon Feb 21 11:04:33 UTC 2005


If you improve the general airflow and clenleness of the whole area and all pc units in there, the general temperature will be reduced. 

You could consider simple clean up of the pc's ie. Remove dust tidy wires ect, remove any unwanted hardware from them.

Make sure that the cubboard is clear of a lot of dust that often gets in these places.
That would be the grounding that can then be improved on with more airflow structures and cooling devices.

After this if you myth TV box is still acting up due to the heat it could be one of a few things that cause it to overheat and they need to be resolved as much as general room temperature, so maybe a 120mm fan from the case side (may need a hole made for it) that blows air across the DVB-T cards.

And also although it's a bit OTT for the situation there is always water cooling maybe not in the same sense as PC WC but a bit of hose a car rad, small pump and fan and you can lower the general room temperature by loads.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

ITP Services Ltd.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl E. Jorgensen [mailto:karl at jorgensen.com]
> Sent: 21 February 2005 10:38 am
> To: SLUG
> Subject: Re: [Sussex] Heat!
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 12:58:50PM +0000, Richie Jarvis wrote:
> > My mythtv box and fileserver sit under the stairs - the fileserver is
> > rock solid, but the myth box is suffering from instability due to
> > serious overheating - the temp under there reaches between 25 and 30
> > degrees C with the door closed (despite putting a huge grill in the
> > wall, and putting a vent in the door), and I believe this is responsible
> > for the problems.
> 25-30 C room temperature doesn't sound too bad - at least it means that
> any air sucked into the boxes should have *some* cooling effect...
> If you want to check that your cooling efforts have any effect, then you
> may want to monitor the temperature before and after your changes - and
> apparantly there are cheap ways of doing so:
>     http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/02/msg02083.html
> Or you can just go for the non-geek method of an old-fashioned
> thermometer that has to be read manually :-)
> --
> Karl E. Jørgensen
> karl at jorgensen.com   http://karl.jorgensen.com
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