[Sussex] privoxy

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Wed Feb 23 10:14:36 UTC 2005

Angelo Servini wrote:
> I downloaded a new utility last night for Ubuntu/Linux.  You can also get a version for Windoze.  Its called "privoxy" it sets up a proxy server on your box and it filters and mangles all comms to the outside world so that dodgy sites cannot get your details.  It also kills off any remaining popups that mozilla-firefox fails to catch. http://www.privoxy.org/  
> A good site to test your firewalls and proxys is www.grc.com   
> Their "shields up" service tests your firewall.  For those dual booting, the "three musketeers" service allows you to kill off any crap services that Windoze may be running, and therefore security holes on your PC.  As you may know, its not enough just to run a firewall, you got to shut down any of the "default" settings that your installation (m$) may have set up inadvertedly, though I suppose you have to be careful not to leave any "open doors" even in linux.

Well I have been using Privoxy before it name change years ago.  I was 
using it on the Amiga/Windows/Linux.
First Prioxy isn't a proxy server but it is.  Prioxy is set rules a bit 
like anti-spam software which looks at content upon that it decides if 
safe or not.  So say you have add on web page as it size is x by y and 
that is listed in there it will block that add from being downloaded.

Now one important issue about Prioxy it can only be used as proxy server 
in browser for http requests, it can not be use for proxy server in 
http, ftp, gopher, socks. If you do then you will not able to access 
these services.

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